Monday, January 11, 2010

New Year's Eve/Christmas dinner

This past holiday season, we spent Christmas in Hong Kong, so we didn't have a fancy home cooked Christmas dinner. We saved it instead for New Year's Eve, when the husband returned from his adventures in Chinese transportation.

Mom sent me the usual holiday care package, which included a 1 lb package of Trader Joe's wild rice. It just isn't the holidays without wild rice. This is what an entire package looks like all cooked up. And yep, we ate all of it.

We also had pot roast with potatoes.

None of this is as good as Mom's planked salmon, or Mom's turkey with homemade gravy. But it was very delicious, especially for someone that had been eating hot noodles and experimenting with "shlf heating pork strip food" for the past week. I've been promised that the write up, complete with photos, will be ready for public consumption soon.
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