Sunday, October 5, 2008

Take me out to the ball game...

We went to the last game of the LG Twins' season last night, against the Lotte Giants. It was a lot of fun. I've only ever been to a minor league game in the US before, so I have no idea how this would have compared against a major league game. In the forefront of the picture, with the red thunder sticks, are the Twins fans. Across the way were the Giants fans, with white, and then later in the game, orange, and then white again. Oh, the Twins won, 4-0.

They have cheerleaders for baseball. I couldn't really see the Giants cheerleaders, but I know they had a guy in white we called the Elvis guy, and I think there were some cheerleaders as well. This photo shows the Twins cheerleaders in one of many of their different outfits. Here, there's the hooker outfit, the Santa outfit, and the 1001 Arabian nights outfits. I noticed that these cheerleaders, while trying to emulate the moves and the outfits of American sports cheerleaders, were too cute to pull off some of the moves. They just didn't have the attitude to carry off some of the more rap-style music video moves they were making. They were smiling and looking entirely too happy. Which is definitely not a bad thing.

At the end of the game, they handed out red balloons and sparklers to those of us in the Twins section for an end of the season ceremony. The players came out and the cheerleaders and managers all said a few words, along the lines of thank you for the season, and we will miss the games, and look forward to seeing you next year. Then the balloons got released and you got to light your sparkler.

As we walked up to the stadium before the game, we noticed that there were KFC and Burger King vendors and booths. You could buy an entire KFC meal, complete with beer, on your way up to your seat.
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